Wilo - A new generation of factories in Germany - Digital

Registrations are closed

1. how can I take part or register myself and my colleagues?

You can register for digital participation via the "Register" button at the top right by 08.10.2024 at the latest. After successful registration, you will receive a confirmation email and a link for participation. Click on the link at the specified time and you will be part of the event. Please note that you must have created a personal account on our platform share2perform.com and be logged in on this page. We will of course be happy to help you here.

2. i have not received a confirmation email, what can i do?

Please contact us at Tel: 0711 7373 44-26 or at angela.hatzenbuehler@macils.de so that we can check your registration.

3. what do I need to participate in the event?

All you need is your laptop and a stable internet connection.

4. how can I participate or ask questions?

You can also easily ask questions and take part in the digital event. Simply click on the link or scan the QR code that will be displayed repeatedly during the event. You can simply ask questions on Slido. Mr. Wasserloos will pass on incoming questions to the speaker throughout the event.

5. do I have to switch on my camera or microphone?

No, the event will be streamed. As it is not possible to speak to the speaker via the livestream, you do not need a microphone or camera. This is only possible in certain separate chat rooms, which will be announced accordingly by Mr. Wasserloos.

6. can I only listen to certain lectures and skip others?

Yes, you are absolutely flexible and can join at any time via the link sent to you.

7. will the factory tour still take place?

Yes, the factory tour will still take place. Let us surprise you!

8. How can I give feedback?

The feedback form will be available for completion afterwards.

We look forward to your participation!

9 October 2024

Start - 08:30 Thursday

10 October 2024

End - 15:30

macils. management-centrum gmbh, Angela Hatzenbühler

+49 175 9261214