Learning journey "Production of the future

under the patronage of Siemens AG and Fraunhofer IPA

Lernreise "Produktion der Zukunft" 

Production of the Future - The Resilient Factory

The production of the future must face new realities. In an environment of permanent crises, flexibility and robustness are more in demand than ever. And safeguarding competitiveness is a major challenge. Achieving more and more with less is the goal of the coming years. And this is where the innovation drivers lean, green and digitization open up great opportunities.

Lean 2.0 - The lean of the 21st century

Imagine if you could combine the flexibility of shop floor production with the economic advantages of flow production. Experts call this matrix production and are already talking about the lean of the 21st century.

Digital - After the duty comes the freestyle

No factory can get around the digital networking of existing machinery. Once the foundations have been laid, however, a whole bouquet of new possibilities opens up, from virtual planning approaches and fully automated logistics systems to unmanned shifts at weekends.

Green - from the Co2 neutral factory to the sustainable factory

The CO2-neutral factory will be the new standard in just a few years. The focus will then be on the circular economy and a zero impact factory, a factory completely free of harmful environmental influences. 


Learning journeys share first-hand experiential knowledge

Benefit from best practices

Experience globally recognized management practices live in the companies

Adapt instead of design

Achieve outstanding implementation success. This is the focus of the learning journey

Change sustainably

Transfer knowledge to your own company through eye-to-eye learning

The key points of the "Production of the Future" learning journey

Start of the learning journey

13 & 14 September 2023


On site or digitally via interactive livestream

Kick Off Event

Siemens AG in Karlsruhe | Patron


12 best practice companies & 
Up to 25 member companies

What you can expect from the learning journey 
can expect...

Lernreise Workshop

Learning from the best

  • First hand production experience
    - We share the knowledge of the best factories

  • Production experts and hidden champions take us with them on their path to the future
Lernreise "Produktion der Zukunft" wilo

Smart Factory - Erlebniswelt

  • Experience the key technologies of the production of the future live and adapt them to your own company. 

  • Technology workshops at member companies - exciting discussions and joint development of solutions
Lernreise Community

Online Community - Production of the Future 365

  • Permanent exchange of experiences and "help for self-help" within the learning journey
  • Launch of a digital specialist community of production management
Lernreise Werksführung Aufnahme

Hybrid - Events

  • On-site & online as an interactive stream to be experienced worldwide with simultaneous translation in 15 languages

The partners at a glance


  • Patron and Best Practice Partner: Determination of topics and participants

  • Looking beyond the horizon

Member company

  • Participate in the management meetings and transfer workshops
  • Host a two-day in-house transfer workshop
  • Use the best practices presented for the optimization of their specific areas

Best practice company

  • Host two-day management meetings at a time

  • Show best practice solutions, methods and tools

  • Coach a two-day transfer workshop at each member company

macils. management centrum gmbh

  • Acquires, organizes and facilitates the learning journey
  • Has 29 years of experience in production management
  • Uses the benchmarking and best practice network of the macils management agency