Hoshin Kanri - Anchoring goals effectively with employees

Registrations are closed


We have reserved a call-off contingent at the Hotel Sombea. The rooms are incl. breakfast at 74€/night (self-pay) and can be ordered under  info@sombea.de with the keyword "Macils Management". Free parking is available at the hotel.


1. How can I participate or register myself and my colleagues?

You can register via the "Register" button in the upper right corner by 17.07.2022 at the latest. After successful registration you will receive a confirmation email and a link for participation. Click on the link at the specified time and you will be part of the event.

2. I have not received a confirmation email, what can i do?

Please contact us under Tel: 0711 7373 44-12 or under alina.bruehmann@macils.de so that we can verify your registration.

3. What do I need to participate in the event?

Please bring suitable safety shoes for the plant tour.

4. How can I give feedback?

The feedback sheet will be fillable in the follow-up.

6. In which language will the event take place?

The event will be in German.

We are looking forward to meeting you!


26 July 2022

Start - 08:00 Wednesday

27 July 2022

End - 16:30

macils. management-centrum gmbh, Alina Brühmann

+49 711 73734412