Lean and the Toyota Production System

Registrations are closed

The number of participants is limited to 36 for organisational reasons!


Q & A

The closing date for registration is 29 September 2022. The organiser reserves the right to make changes to the schedule. For organisational reasons, the number of participants is limited to 36. Participants will be considered in the order in which they register. The organiser reserves the right to reject registrations for reasons of competition. 

The participation fee per person is x.xxx,xx € plus VAT. This fee includes conference documents, refreshments during breaks and lunch. The invoice will be sent to you shortly before the event.

General Terms and Conditions

The general terms and conditions apply.

Hotel overview

Best Western Hotel 

Der Föhrenhof

Kirchhorster Straße 22 ,30659 Hannover
Telefone: 0511-61 54-0 
Fax: 0511-61 97 19


to the hotel​


11 January 2023

09:00 17:00

macils. management-centrum gmbh, Richard Kugel

+49 711 73734416