online conference
Use Slack, Teams & Co. in the company in accordance with data protection regulations

"The spontaneous digitalisation of the company holds both opportunities and risks. Therefore a sustainable strategy for the introduction of collaboration tools is needed."

"Use collaboration tools in compliance with data protection regulations"
The corona virus is changing and digitalising working life in record time. Video conferences and collaboration tools play a decisive role in the home office. The use of these tools is often associated with considerable data protection problems. In order to prevent zoom and other tools from becoming a data protection and security nightmare, Joerg Heidrich, Data Protection Officer at Heise Medien, explains without legal jargon which rules have to be observed and how to use the most important tools in a legally compliant manner despite the strict requirements of the DSGVO.

In his lecture he will help you to choose the right tools and explain which special features have to be considered for foreign suppliers and when works and staff councils have to be involved. He also describes how data processing should be documented and how the reference must be made in the data protection declaration. And of course you will also find out what to do if something goes wrong with data protection.

"Insight into Slack, teams, and alternatives"
In further presentations, the conference will support participants in choosing the right digital collaboration tools for their company. It gives an overview of the dense range of offerings from video conferencing and business messaging to fully integrated collaboration suites. The conference dedicates separate presentations to the services Slack, Microsoft Teams and the self-hosted open source alternative Rocket.Chat, in which independent experts deepen the knowledge of the participants. But without the right strategy for introducing the tools, their potential will fall by the wayside. We will outline procedures and methods how to make virtual collaboration and communication in your company sustainably successful.

© Heise Medien GmbH & Co. KG
Legal basis: Data protection and data security in the home office
What needs to be considered in the home office and when working on the move: Dr. jur. Thomas Schwenke explains the legal basis.