
Digital transformation in production


Volkswagen - Fabrik der Zukunft

Die Neuausrichtung des Fahrzeugwerks Zwickau auf die E-Mobilität hebt Automatisierung und Effizienz schrittweise und beschäftigungsneutral auf modernste Standards. Als Vision dient die Fabrik der Zukunft – die intelligente, nachhaltige und voll vernetzte Fabrik. Die Digitalisierung betrifft alle Fertigungsbereiche, allerdings in unterschiedlicher Ausprägung. Während der Karosseriebau und die Lackiererei schon heute stark automatisiert sind, wird sich der Automatisierungsgrad in der Montage im Zuge der Umstellung auf die E-Mobilität nahezu verdreifachen.

We are delighted to invite you to the next management meeting on September 23rd and 24th, 2019 at Volkswagen AG in Wolfsburg. The digital factory at Volkswagen airms to tap new potential for sutatinable production. For example, the Volkswagen Industrial 

is to enable the networking of all 122 production sites and bring together data on all machines, plants and systems from all Group factories in real time. The use of virtual reality also creates completely new opportunities for cross-brand and cross-location project work. As part of the learning journey, Volkswagen will provide an insight into its digital production platform and will also show digital solutions from the areas of production, supply chain, work design and qualification.

Day 1

  • Presentation of Volkswagen AG - Industry 4.0 - Digitalisation 

  • Strategic competence requirements assessment in the digital change at Volkswagen AG

  • Volkswagen Industrial Cloud

  • Digital Factory – Produktion goes Cloud

  • Plug & Play in production: ensuring connectivity from the shop floor to the Cloud

  • Digital Realities in production at Volkswagen

  • MTM-HWD® in the context of future-oriented and healthy workplace design

  • PlantTour Intensive at the Volkswagen plant in Wolfsburg

  • Logistics Data Lake – the Supply Chain Control Tower in the Volkswagen Group 

  • 3D-Printing: How to unlock the full potential for the Automotive industry

Day 2

  • Keynote lecture of the startup SYNAOS

  • 5 in-depth workshop:

    • VR / AR –from the development to the customer

    • Logistics Data Lake – the Supply Chain Control Tower at the Volkswagen group

    • From digital to networked qualification

    • Robotics in production: What do we need? What are we missing?

    • Service-oriented collaboration model

Your contactperson
Laura Hanisch

- Projektmanager Events -

Tel.: (+49) 711 / 737 344 23